Get involved in the Climate Emergency Group
You can help
You can help accelerate our work to ensure a future for all citizens by adding your signature to our petition in support of Open Letter and sharing it with others including your local MP.
You can find your local MP and find out what your MP is interested on Hansard – UK Parliament. You can download a template letter to send here.
If you need help, would like a copy of our Template letter or share ideas please contact our CEG Chair.
Get in touch
Our Chair, Paula McMahon, believes WESCEG can make a real and significant difference to its members, WES and beyond. By utilising our collective potential, we exceed what each person can do on their own.
All WES Members and passionate Disruptors, Influencers and Educators are welcome to join the diverse and passionate group, feel free to get in touch with Paula at CEGChair@wes.org.uk to find out what you can do to help.