WES pleased to learn IET has taken ownership of WISE

The Women’s Engineering Society (WES) is pleased to learn that the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has taken ownership of the Women into Science and Engineering Campaign (WISE).

Having championed women in engineering since 1919 WES knows the difficulties and challenges facing women wishing to enter engineering, and these experiences are mirrored across all STEM subjects. Therefore, it is heartening to see that such a prestigious organisation as the IET is putting women at the centre of its work.

As the UK’s largest organisation of women engineers, WES has worked closely with WISE over the years and is delighted that WISE will be able to continue its work supporting women in STEM careers. Women face significant challenges working in all STEM subjects, and therefore it is vital that WES continues to work together with WISE to increase our impact.

The IET has an ambitious target of 35% of women in STEM by 2030, up from its current 29% and specifically an increase to 25% women in engineering from the current 16.5%. We look forward to continuing to work with the IET and the WISE Campaign to achieve this goal.